Rwandan President Warns Against ‘Worshipping Poverty’ at Pilgrimage Sites

Rwandan President Paul Kagame has issued a stern warning to Catholic pilgrims, criticizing certain religious practices that he claims glorify poverty. His comments, made during a youth conference on Wednesday, have sparked widespread discussion.

Kagame expressed concern over young Rwandans participating in lengthy journeys to pilgrimage sites, which he associated with a mindset of poverty. “I learned that many young people wake up early and walk for days to visit a place associated with poverty,” he remarked. “When you pray, you should be asking for what can improve your life and lift you out of poverty.”

The president, a Catholic himself, strongly condemned the idea of revering poverty. “No one should worship poverty. If I hear of people going on these journeys to worship poverty again, I will send trucks to round them up and only release them when this mentality is gone,” he warned.

While Kagame’s comments stirred speculation about specific pilgrimage sites, such as Kibeho—a town known for reported visions of the Virgin Mary—the Rwandan government clarified his remarks. Yolande Makolo, a government spokesperson, stated that Kagame did not mention Kibeho in his speech. Instead, he was likely referring to an informal religious gathering in the Rutsiro district, emphasizing the importance of ambition and hard work over “cult-like rituals.”

Kibeho, located in southern Rwanda, has become a popular pilgrimage site, attracting thousands of visitors each year. However, the Catholic Church has yet to respond publicly to the president’s remarks.

Christianity is the predominant religion in Rwanda, with Catholics comprising nearly half of the population. Kagame’s comments have prompted discussion on the role of religion and poverty in the country, but the broader implications of his speech remain to be seen.

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